Reading Common Grace 24. The Future

Turning his attention towards the New Testament’s teaching on the future, Kuyper surmises that the nations of the Earth will have common grace rescinded from them totally but haven’t yet. The revealing of the son of perdition / the man of lawlessness (see 2 Thessalonians 2:3-10) and a concluding intermingling of Common and Saving grace. 

The prophecy refers to “an event which does not lie in the midst of history, but which will conclude the history of our race and will be followed immediately by the appearance in the clouds of the sign of the Son of Man.” Therefore, an orderly reducing of common grace will occur until summation happens. There is an order to be observed before God’s plan culminates in the return of Christ. 

Christians concerned with ‘millennial’ visions of the future (who Kuyper terms ‘Chiliasts’), despite their oddities, have been helpful in putting the return of Christ back on the reformed agenda, but extreme positions (no expectation / immediate expectation of Christ’s return) are to be avoided.