In Genesis 3, God pronounces judicial sentences on the Man, the Woman and the serpent. There are obviously punishments decreed, but it is often missed that all three clearly evidence graces. The woman will bear children in pain, but she will bear children. The man will struggle to get food from the Earth but he will get food for the sustenance of life. Both of these are a work of God’s Common Grace in delaying the full extent of the charge of Genesis 3:17, ‘in the day that you eat of it, you shall surely die.’ With regards to the serpent, God graciously intervenes to place enmity where wrong alliance has been formed between humanity and this animal in spiritual thrall. In the judgement on the serpent, Particular Grace is prophesied for humanity (‘he shall bruise your head and you shall bruise his heel’ – Genesis 3:15) and common grace instituted in the midst of the judgements upon the humans.